Need to light up your expert image? Enhance your expert profile by adding an avatar, a description, and connect it to your social networks.
Experience, satisfaction, number of conversations handled... Find out your performance information!
1/ Accessing your profile
To access your expert profile, click this icon (or on your avatar). A panel will open on the right side of your discussion panel, allowing you to access your statistics and edit your profile.
(1) Find out your rank among your community experts. Your rank depends on how many experience points you have gathered. This number is displayed in the "Statistics" part of your profile:
Click your avatar to upload a new image or picture, and select "Edit my profile" to modify your personal information.
Note: Your avatar image should preferably weigh less than 2Mo, 1000 x 1000px, using png/jpg/gif image format (it will be automatically resized after the upload).
(2) Switch your status to OFF if you don't want to receive new incoming conversations. It can be useful if you want to take a break.
(3) The "Statistic" part will show your performance information.
It shows your experience points. It can increase or decrease depending on the quality of your activity. The way the XP points are calculated is of course kept secret ;) | |
Here you will find the number of conversations you have handled. | |
Find out the satisfaction level of the visitors who chatted with you. |
(4) The more you participate in your community, the more likely you will receive new badges and increase your experience level.
(5) Click on the "Log out" button if you want to leave the application.
2/ Editing your profile
After clicking on "Edit my profile", the panel will show the editing form:
(1) Click the avatar to upload the picture you want
(2) Modify your first and last name
(3) Feel free to write something about yourself in the description form. It could be about your passions, your motivations to become a community expert, or anything else!
(4) Enter your location
(5) Add your twitter account
(6) Enter the url of your Facebook profile
Don't forget to save the modifications!
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